The encoding of inspection data is easy and logical Print E-mail


Encoding the inspection data is quick, logic and complete. Three types of data can be encoded during the inspectio:

  • references of the owner and his sprayer (which can also be encoded through the “diary” unit)
  • visual observation (without measurement)
  • data from measurements


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1. Characteristics of the owner/sprayer

Name and address of the owner as well the characteristics of the sprayer can be encoded. Unrolling menus are proposed to register some characteristics of the sprayer.
These data are registered in a database and can be reused after if this sprayer is inspected again.
These data are shown in the printed report.

2. Visual observations

A great number of the requirements of the EN 13790 are simply visual.
The SdSoft proposes these list of visual requirements. You simply have to register if the it is “good” or “false”. Automatically, the software classify the default in three categories regarding its importance:

  • level 1 : serious defect having to be repaired immediately – red colour
  • level 2 : defect having to be repaired as soon as possible – orange colour
  • level 3 : defect to be supervised – yellow colour

When the criterion is good, the box is green.

3. Measured data

The standard EN 13790 defines 3 major measurements with a table to fill:

  • inspection of working manometer
  • inspection of nozzles output
  • inspection of loss of pressure

Inspection of working manometer

The verification of the manometer consists in to dismantle it from the sprayer, to place it on th pressure calibrator and to compare its indications with the ones of a reference manometer for increasing and decreasing series of pressure.
The software proposes a table to insert the pressure values (based on the standard NF EN 837-1) and calculates automatically the deviation regarding the reference (« bar » and « % »).

Animation showing the checking of working manometer

Inspection of nozzles output

The check of output consists  in to measure the flowrate of each used nozzle for a reference pressure, and to compare it for each nozzle with the nominal flowrate given by the constructor.
The encoding of nozzle outputs are realized...

    • in automatic data acquisition - flowrate and pressure (with 2 automatic corrections)
    • in manual data acquisition - flowrate (with 1 automatic correction)

The tables are the same in the 2 cases. The calculation is done automatically for each nozzle and for the set and is provided in "%".


Animation showing the inspection of nozzles

     Automatic acquisition
     The encoding is simple and fast:

    • introduce the nozzle references using an assistant where the flow of more than 50 different nozzles and size are indexed and this for several pressures (more than 1000 outputs)
    • press “Enter" for encoder automatically data of flow and pressure measured for each nozzle

     Manual acquisition
     The encoding is simple but is a source of error on behalf of the operator.

     It is different only for the second stage:

    • introduce the nozzle references using an assistant ... similar
    • encoding manually the flowrate of each nozzle read on the flowmeter

Inspection of loss of pressure

The checking of the pressure loss consists in comparing the indications given by the working pressure gauge (near the user) with those provided by the reference pressure gauges fixed instead of a nozzle at the end of each boom section. This inspection must be done for at least 2 levels of pressure.
The software proposes a table of encoding of the values of pressure:

    • adjusted on working manometer
    • read on each reference manometer fixed at the end of each boom section

The software calculates automatically the deviation with the reference (in "%").